Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back to School

So, I've come to realize, that I've been at the bottom of the school food chains for quite some time now. By being at the bottom, I mean in the youngest grade of the school. Traces all the way back to sixth grade. Sixth grade was the beginning of middle school in Hawaii, 7th grade was the start of Jr High in Utah. I did online school for 8th grade so that doesn't count. 9th grade was the start of highschool in Florida, Tenth was the start of HS in Utah, and 11th is the start of gymnasium in Denmark! Which turns out, is more of a college than a highschool.
When students here reach 9th or 10th grade ( can't remember which ) They graduate highschool, and they can choose to either- stop school and find a job, go to a specified college based on their interests, or they can go to a gymnasium which is basically a college for people who don't know what they want to do with their lives yet, or who want a more rounded education. Which is what I am currently attending. Aabenraa Statsskole.
I knew there was too much freedom for it to be highschool. I have free periods sometimes between classes, there's no dress code, teachers can let you out of class early if they feel like it.
Also, it's not like American schools where you change teachers, classrooms, and peers multiple times a day. You ( for the most part) keep the same classmates, and you just switch teachers. It's a really good thing if you like the people in your class. You get more connected, etc. But it's not a very good way to meet a bunch of new people.
On wednesday, all the first years go on a camping trip with their classmates. So we'll see how that goes. I've made a few friends so far. People seem to be pretty nice to me, although I get laughed at a bit. The poor little lost American wandering around the hallways. Yep, that's me.
Honestly, I'm more concerned about the bus systems than I am the schooling. I have to wake up at five, take two buses and spend an hour and a half getting to a place that's only 15 minutes away by car. Then I have to walk 10 minutes after getting off the bus, because heaven forbid it drop me off anywhere near the school hahah.
That's okay, more to come later, I'm sure I've made this post longer than it needs to be already. Farvell =]

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